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Baraka Mnjala Mbugua

AWS Solutions Architect





1. Cloud Computing.


2. Learning new skills.


3. Formula 1.


4. Video editing and poster making

My Bio

Baraka Mbugua is a dedicated Computer Science student at Daystar University, where he is actively honing his expertise in the field. With a keen focus on Cloud Computing, particularly in the realm of Cloud Security, Baraka's passion drives his pursuit of knowledge and innovation.

Among his notable accomplishments, Baraka's proficiency stands out through his successful exploration of vulnerable S3 buckets on the AWS platform, demonstrating his prowess in identifying security vulnerabilities. His skill set is accentuated by his exceptional critical thinking ability, adaptability to diverse situations, and unwavering commitment to self-improvement.

Outside the world of technology, Baraka finds solace in his love for Formula 1 racing. He consistently strives to enhance his portfolio in his leisure time by mastering new skills. He is devoted to achieving his Associate Solutions Architect certification, a testament to his dedication and drive.

As an individual with a passion for learning and a knack for innovation, Baraka embodies the spirit of constant growth and evolution in the dynamic technology field.

About Me.

I'm, a passionate enthusiast with a love for Formula 1 racing and the exciting world of Cloud computing. My fascination with Formula 1 not only fuels my need for speed but also sparked my interest in Cloud computing, especially AWS's role in processing data from F1 cars. Alongside, I indulge my cinematic cravings through movie watching.

I'm all about pushing boundaries and expanding my skill set. Currently, I'm diving into the art of animation, leveraging my interests in Formula 1 and movies to create captivating visuals, including F1-themed animations. But that's not all – I find joy in the culinary arts too, as cooking allows me to explore creativity in yet another way.

Here is my pitch video

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